

 Anglican and Catholic?

We are a Traditional Anglican Church in that we preserve the Historic Beliefs, Holy Tradition, Creeds, and Liturgies used by the Church in England prior to their latest reformation commenced in the middle of the last century.  We are Catholic in that Catholicity is considered one of Four Marks of the Church, the others being Unity, Sanctity, and Apostolicity.  When we say ‘I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church’ in the Nicene Creed of AD 381, it is crucially important to remember that when the early Christians used the term “catholic,” they were not referring to any particular church, denomination, rite, or communion. They were simply referring to all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Anglican Catholic Church was established following a Congress of Concerned Churchmen in the wake of an increasingly liberal theology accepted by the worldwide Anglican Communion. Those who met at St. Louis, Missouri in the United States of America on September 17, 1977 declared an Affirmation of Belief now called The Affirmation of St. Louis. The first bishops of the Church were consecrated in Denver, Colorado, United States of America on 28 January 1978.

The Anglican Catholic Church was established in Australia in 1987 and in New Zealand in 1988.
The Missionary Diocese of Australia and New Zealand within the Anglican Catholic Church (Original Province) continues to steadfastly maintain the Anglican expression of the Catholic faith. The Worship of the Church is contained within The Book of Common Prayer in its 1549 English, 1928 American or 1962 Canadian editions, as well as various Anglican Missals. The Church maintains the Apostolic Order of Bishop, Priest and Deacon.

Sadly, over the past 2000 years the Body of Christ, the Church, has been attacked by false teachings.  These, invariably attempting to widen the boundaries of our Faith, causing doubt and discord among believers.  It fell to those we call the Fathers of the Church who, guided by the Holy Spirit, laid down the limits to those boundaries, the Creeds being an example of these guidelines.

For Christians, who find their spiritual strength in the dogmatic teachings of the Church, in its biblical understanding of being the mystical Body of Christ, and in the Sacraments which are its life-giving-force, the time had arrived to firmly reassert a traditional and orthodox understanding of Faith. The Anglican Catholic Church was born in a quest to maintain the fullness of the historic Anglican tradition of the Catholic faith.
 The Anglican Catholic Church does not condemn nor detract from any soul seeking to know the Love of God in another way. Members of this Church live to declare that which we believe and those of other persuasions will do similarly. A pivotal prayer for every member of the Church is to intercede for the unity of the Church according to the mind of Christ. We pray for all who are seeking a knowledge and love of God and most especially for all who
'ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for yours. Jer 6.xvi.
+Ian Woodman
Bishop - Episcopal Visitor to Australia and New Zealand

‘The Anglican Catholic Church - Preserving the past, Shaping the future’

Our Beliefs

In Word, Sacrament and Tradition the Anglican Catholic Church proclaims the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit in the life and witness of catholic Christendom.
The early Church gathered inspired prophetic and historical writings, together with the Good News of Christ and the teachings of his disciples, to form The Bible which is the Word of God.
Under the guidance of the same Holy Spirit the Church in Holy Synod met for over four hundred years to resolve differing interpretations of biblical revelation. Oneness of Christian belief was declared to the Church through seven Ecumenical Councils whose teachings and credal statements are core beliefs.
The Apostles who were appointed by Jesus later appointed men in the Church to succeed them in their Apostolic Ministry. These men were called bishops and in the New Testament mention is also made of elders and presbyters who shared in the cure of the bishops. The Anglican Catholic Church maintains the Apostolic Ministry of Bishops, Priests and Deacons in an unbroken line of succession from the Apostles.
"The Holy Spirit of God overshadowed the Blessed Virgin Mary and the The Word was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ" (Jn 1:1). Jesus continues to be present to His church through visible signs called sacraments and through which He brings the Grace of God to his people in the waters of Holy Baptism, in the bread and wine of the Mass, through Holy Oil and the Laying on of Hands.



The Word was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ to redeem humanity and after His Passion, Resurrection and Ascension into heaven He remains with us in the Person of His Holy Spirit. In the visible and tangible Sacraments of the Church, Christ continues to come among us to continue His work of redemption. These truths are expressed in the worship of the Church using historic texts, rich symbolism and ritual, to proclaim the God who has renewed all of creation in his Son.


Our church is a family of believers committed to living the faith once delivered to the Saints (Jude 1:3). We believe that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:8.
The tradition of the Anglican Catholic Church rejoices in the faith and witness of the Christian Church of every age and resolves to continue in the fullness of that faith in this age and that which is to come.


Contact any of the diocesan clergy for more discussion. Share in the Liturgy of the Church with the clergy to see and hear the Word of God proclaimed and taken out into the world as witness to the faith of Christ crucified.

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